NEW Kohler Modflex Adjust-a-Bowl Top Spud Flushometer Bowl
The new Kohler Modflex Adjust-a-Bowl Top Spud Flushometer Bowl was designed with one thing in mind – turn any wall mount closet fixture into a floor mounted closet, while still using the back outlet drain in the original design.
What does this mean? No more costly redesign and tear down of a bathroom flush system in order to go from a wall hung toilet to a floor mounted toilet! In 20 minutes or less, you can make the conversion to a floor mounted toilet, and never look back.
Addressing a need
We knew this was an important issue that needed to be address, especially in commercial environments where shutting down a restroom for weeks just wasn’t an option. Schools, hospitals and many other public or private restrooms with high volume can be repaired as soon as they need to be – at a much lower price point then demolition.
Testing the product in the Jacksonville market
We brought these in so that we can see them in person, and see for ourselves the entire install process. We teamed up with our partners at Baptist Medical Center in Downtown Jacksonville in order to make that happen. They were also excited to test it out, as they would have the first Kohler Modflex Adjust-a-bowl Toilet in all of Jacksonville. See pictures of the install below.
Old wall hung closet removed Installing the top mount bracket Adjusting the back outlet adapter Securing the floor mount bracket Closer look of the outlet and brackets Tightening the rear closet bolts Installed – before the flush valve Installed – after the flush valve
A few observations
There was a little hesitation by the plumbers when they saw the design. I was almost convinced that they were going to reject the idea from the beginning. Their main comments were “this is going to back up fast” and “this is going to leak”. After a bit of conversation, I convinced them to watch the Kohler install video. I believe that took away the major questions as to whether or not this would work – so off we went to the install.
The total install took about 25 minutes, including attaching the new Sloan flush valve. This did not include taking the older wall mount closet down, that was done prior to us arriving. Mike, the plumber at Baptist Hospital who did a majority of the install, believed that he could install future toilets in less than 15 minutes. He felt the install went pretty well, noting that they didn’t run into anything different with this install than they do with wall mounted closets. Every install would probably be a little different. There was a little bit of a gap between the back of the toilet and the wall, but that was more than likely because the wall had been previously repaired.
Works on Standard and ADA Height
One thing I was surprised with, was that this would work both on a standard height and an ADA height toilet. Once installed, the final result will be an ADA height of just over 17″ off the floor. The previous toilet that was removed was a standard height wall mount. Although the bathroom itself was not ADA approved, this product could help businesses convert their standard height wall mount toilets into ADA height toilets.
The final verdict?
We were all very satisfied with this new toilet from Kohler. From the looks, the water movement, the install, and the overall concept, this one looks like it is going to be a winner.